How deep can we dig into our self?

After a couple of intense Hypnotherapy sessions, I encountered my subconscious on a level where I was able to shift some strongly embodied inner beliefs, based in childhood experiences. This is a level, that we can not access with our conscious minds. It is not enough to understand and explore these patterns with the mind. 



Digging deeper and deeper. The layers covering our true self are strong. It is a lifelong journey and we have to start somewhere.... Most of the time with all our inner work we only scratch the surface. Still influenced by old patterns, unresolved past wounds. We can't even possibly imagine, how deep the rabbit hole goes. Every time we think we discovered something, it reveals more to explore. 


But: Once we start, everything happens at the right time. When you are ready. Small steps uncovering more and more. Opening with baby steps. Letting in new feelings, different behaviours, fresh perspectives. Not merely in the mind - but in the depth of your soul, in your heart your body, your unconscious. We are so incredibly deep and complex. Vastness.


Scary places... but most of them are old. Relicts from past experiences, that never got released. They are stored, but not needed anymore. Everything is a part of who you are today and thats ok. You are unique. But still there is no need to be governed by outdated feelings and behaviours. What we experienced as children, should not be the base of our perception in the present. At least we need awareness of whats happening, to be able to choose differently.


Inviting in the new. I feel open, ready and grateful for every new feeling and knowing. Integration of the new is liberation. The ultimate sense of freedom.


Time can not stand still.

Because time is not moving. 

Time does not exist.

There is only change.

Minds travel.

Bodies move.

Every moment is different.

Time is an idea.

To explain change.

She can never stop.

Feeling "no time" can be a scary place.

When I am present. Not running.

I feel every piece of myself.

The child I though I left behind.

She is still there. 

Because there is no time.

The pain never went away. 

Feeling stillstand.

It is only for the brave.

Standing in front of their sad faces.

But in this moment without time.

Everything is there for you to heal. 

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